CoVid-19 Response
To: All Wowables Customers
Subject: CoVid‐19 Update
The last few weeks have seen extraordinary and sweeping events the likes that we have never and will ever see in most of our lifetimes. As a valued customer of Lola Products, we would like to keep you abreast of the current status of Lola Products' operations, and how we are dealing with the spread of Covid‐19. Our warehouses and support staff are operational as per the guidelines set forth by local, state and federal authorities. We have implemented a work from home schedule for all possible support staff, and we have a reduced warehouse and production staff as a result of social distancing guidelines and individual employee’s personal health situations. If you have an order of importance or urgency, please call our offices at 800‐524-2822 and we will do our best to accommodate. If you are a critical member of the supply chain as outlined by the Department of Homeland Security and need your order specially handled, please advise us accordingly. This is a fluid situation and we could be impacted by any changes in laws and mandates, which could influence our ability to service our customers. UPS, FedEx and other Parcel carriers have already suspended service level guarantees (they cannot guarantee overnight or any other service). This pandemic continues to cause disruptions for nearly all aspects of the supply chain. We may experience additional disruptions and delays as we are being faced with challenges in labor, raw materials, production and transportation. We plan on continuing operations for as long as we can and are allowed. Wishing everyone health and safety through this ordeal. By following the necessary precautions, we will all get through this.